Abu Dhabi – new parc behind the new created sea shore
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Left: Place of the new created sea shore and its parc behind (the picture is turned 90 degrees to allow to put the text).
Second left: the same place seen last year with Google Earth: you find the park behind the shore still under construction.
Right and second right: pictures taken four/five years ago: the sea shore was at the feet of the big buildings.
With sand of the sea a new shore was build up, the whole long side long shown on the map above. Notice the island far behind has not yet the sand hill which was created later.
Hereafter some pictures I have taken this winter: a whole big long parc was created behind the shore promenade. For the moment the trees are still young. It is foreseen that they grow up quickly and give shadow for people, when they leave their houses after sunset, for barbecue on the green lane.
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During the day you see mostly northern people warming up in the sun – tourists or families of whities having here their business. Together with some asian gardeners.