Heidi’s privat photos

September 16, 2012

Hamburg: on harbour’s old and new constructions

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 9:33 pm

.Eckhaus - RIMG0035 - 15p.   (more…)

das Rathaus in Hamburg / The City Hall

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 9:01 pm

Das Hamburger Rathaus:

.RIMG0109 - 15p et rog(more…)

im Hamburger Park Planten un Blomen

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 6:55 pm

September 2012:

.RIMG0054 - 15p.   (more…)

September 15, 2012

Tropenhaus Hamburg

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 10:51 pm

.RIMG0211 - 15p. (more…)

September-Impressions in de.Hamburg

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 2:13 pm

the Binnen-Alster:

.RIMG0002 - 15p(more…)

February 6, 2012

Geneva, February 6, 2012

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 7:52 pm

today at the shore:

.JD803021 redim 30p.   (more…)

January 31, 2012

Morning January 31, 2012

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 8:30 am

.JD802961 redim 25p.


January 8, 2012

Snowy Switzerland and Europe … update: Snowbike Pleasures

Filed under: links worldwide — heidi @ 2:59 pm

January 2012 – some pictures and videos in the medias:

Later: landing during storm … 05.01.2012 B777 landet während Sturm in Hamburg, 1.36 min.

October 6, 2011

Geneva, Nant d’Avril

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 6:46 am

a nice short walk outside of Geneva, end of September 2011:

.JD802530 Nant d'Avril-walk 20p.   (more…)

July 1, 2011

l’ancien troupeau de chèvres à Sarnac

Filed under: my privat photos — heidi @ 2:11 am

Dans les années 70, le troupeau montait le matin vers les pâturages communaux sur le plateau derrière notre ferme :

. Sarnac-02-bis.

prix photo autour de 1977, par grand-père

Mise à jour décembre 2011 : (more…)

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